A credit card number is required to secure all bookings. If a credit card is not available, then a deposit of $50 is required. If you do not cancel your booking with us and you fail to arrive, we will debit your card for 1 nights accommodation, or retain your deposit.
Cancellations made up to 7 days before the booked date incur no charges. Thereafter, a proportion of the deposit may be retained. Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice may result in the total amount for the booked accommodation being charged. However, if we have retained some or all of your deposit and we refill your room, then we will refund your deposit minus $10.00 admin fee.
Group bookings are required to give 30 days minimum notice to avoid forfeiture of your deposit.
Payment for all accommodation must be made in full on the day of departure (if not already done so). Overdue/recovery charges may be made if your account is not paid on time.
Check In time is 2pm on day of arrival and Check out is prior to 10am on day of departure.Early Check In and/or Checkout is by arrangement only. Please take note of office hours if you intend to leave early, as it may be appropriate to check out the night before.
All our units are designated Non Smoking. If you do smoke, then you may be charged appropriate cleaning and loss of income charges. We do have undercover areas outside your unit in which smoking is allowed.
We reserve the right to accept reservations that are subject to a minimum stay over peak periods. A request to reduce the length of stay on an existing reservation may result in the reservation no longer being accepted.